Winter sunrise run

     After an easy run last night, with wife Jeanette, along some sloshy snow and ice paths, I figured the trails would be tricky as Dave and I started our 7am run. Dave has relatives in town and an early start was needed. Thankfully our mild winter brought us 25', clear skies and no wind. Amazing. Last year at this time we were trudging through plenty of snow, and battling low teen's temps on what seemed like every weekend run. Blessings for the new year, for sure.
     Headlamps were on, and as we made our way through the park I found the footing was pretty clear in most parts, just a few icy corners and areas where the sun doesn't quite hit during the day. Bunker Hills park gives us a sense of running through a forested park, as we are surrounded by oaks and pines, with a couple of areas of prairie restoration mixed in. There is a 27 hole golf course on the west end, providing an awesome buffer zone. On the northeast side you will find a stable with horses for riding and wagon rides. That area butts up to the southeast end, another area of pines and a low lake. The local high school borders this portion, and also provides a nice buffer. You can't get lost in the park ( well, we have helped some folks find their way ), but you can get lost in thought and enjoy a very refreshing run.
     Today we went from dark to light, warm-up to spirited run. Lot's of conversation and an overall sense of progress and accomplishment. It's great to start the day with a run, and being able to see the sun rise and bring the day to life never gets old. I find it's a great pattern to follow; up early...engage the day from the first steps...carry a refreshed and invigorated attitude with you all day long.
     Even if you have the time to sleep in and start your day with a run or walk after the sun has risen, change it up once in a while. Start your day in the dark, you'll be surprised how well it lights up your day!


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