Take 5!

     We've been spoiled this winter due to mild temps and a shortage of snowfall. Trails have been quite clear and we can get by with 3 layers of clothing on most days. My wife Jeanette and I had a run a few nights ago that was very mild. No wind and clear skies gave us a great view of the stars. On our way back through Bunker Park we stopped about a mile and a half out and took a stargazing break.
     Laying on our backs, across the trail, and staring up to the skies it only took a few minutes to adjust our eyes and get a good look at all the stars. We know a few of the constellations, but mostly it was just fun to be out in the park, no one around and just looking up at natures twinkling stars and planets. 
     After a bit, and just before we got cold, we got up and headed back. Funny how just a small change in routine can really add to a run. Saturday morning I ran with Dave, finally back outside after a two week battle with a cold...( he still got his mileage in during the last couple weeks, just didn't want to chance a relapse with a run out in the cold )...and we talked about training for an ultra later in the year. We both know it will take some long runs, but it was exciting to talk about getting up early, heading north to some trails and spending a day getting miles and hours of running in. 
     Whether it's an extra adventure run, or a spontaneous break to take in a special sunset or star gazing opportunity, running provides so many chances to enjoy the outdoors. It helps make our standard training runs more important, so we can be in shape to do something different or take a new trail. 
     We can't be 'race ready' all year long, but we can be 'adventure ready'. As we grind through the second half of winter, don't forget to make some training memories. You never know when the time will arise, so stay in shape and be ready!


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