Winter reflection

     Winter has finally arrived, at least for a few days, here in Minnesota. After one of the dryest Decembers on record, we received a few inches of snow new years eve, after a few inches of rain, of course. Oh, and the wind has picked up, brisk gusts of 20mph on a 14' day make for a bit of a battle on the way back home. It was good to be with others on todays run, especially good to see my wife, Jeanette, get a five mile run in, her first at this distance since taking time off for a post-marathon injury. Bryan and Dave and I got in 9 miles, it felt like 11 in the hills.
     With all it's seasonal extras, winter is a great time to force the training into moderate pace mode. On our workouts we can talk more easily, and we add topics that are less about training, and more about life. But we do get to dream about spring running; the warmer weather, the clear trails and if we stay healthy our faster workouts and finally our racing goals.
     But we love the winter. The beauty of the park covered in snow, the tracks of wildlife across the trails. Daytime runs, with a sunny sky, remind me of being in the mountains. Pines and other trees coated in snow, the fields of tall bushes and prairie grasses disappearing under natures protective blanket. On our evening runs, when the clouds reflect the city lights back down onto the snow, we can turn off our headlamps and run through the park without artificial light. I think it's one of my favorite times, throughout the year, to be out running.
     It's cliche, but the journey is truly important. My past two marathon time goals have been missed by just minutes, but I won't trade all the hours of training with family and friends for a few minutes off my race time. The time goal will come, or not, but running with friends and the enrichment of my physical and mental well being it brings are parts of my life I value above any race time.


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