What's up with my toes?

     They look like blisters, but they don't hurt. Kinda looks like frostbite, or poison ivy. Not too bad, but had to check the internet about my toes. Since I live in Minnesota, gotta deal with some cold winter runs so onto the web I went. 
     Chilblains, a pretty well known ailment due mainly to a lack of circulation and or warming up the toes too quickly after being in the cold. The docs suggest exercise...is running in the cold oxy-moronic when you have Chilblains? Most people may think it's plain moronic, and maybe it is, a little. But, so far it is getting better with me paying more attention to keeping all the little piggies warm and rubbing on some Warm Skin lotion a couple times a day. 
     It's funny how things can sneak up on you. A little lack of focus, or maybe just paying lots of attention to something else, and suddenly a new ailment, or work situation, or relationship has a 'blister'. Most of time we can resolve the issue fairly quickly, but not always. And for me, it's the little things that make the most impact, that humble me the most. 
     Cruising along, running five days a week, mileage steady, and of course planning for future events. Some early season races, some race-training half's, and certainly talking about the marathon we are peaking for. Then, Chilblains, or some minor thing that says, 'Hey, don't forget about me, your friend Mr. Humbled'! And humbled we are, pulled off the course to attend to something new, something unexpected. 
     It's a great challenge, and one to expect. As runners, we often have challenges tossed our way, especially as we age. Ugh, it's crazy, but it's reality. The training we do equips us to battle back, time and again. It takes a tremendous adversity for a DNF, and that's why the little things make me pay attention. Clear it up when it's small, and it's manageable. Let it get out of hand, and we're out of commission for weeks, or more. 
     I don't mind the little things any more, they keep me humbled, and that's a good thing.


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