Grind it's worth it!

     Pair of shoes, pair of socks...shorts, tights, pants...long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt, long sleeve shirt...jacket, face mask, ski hat, liner gloves, gloves...Garmin 305, headlamp.
     Left work late, half hour to change and be ready to run. The above items total 19 items to put on. Could have worn a reflective vest for an even 20, but Bryan and I were running in Bunker Park. Toss in a couple of pit stops while dressing, chap stick on the lips and Warm Skin on the face and I was ready by 6:20.
    It's nights like these that keep us on track. We won't remember them because the pace was average and I felt like a slug. Thankfully Bryan was patient and didn't mind the slower pace, especially since the trail was fairly icy due to a short rain-snow mix this afternoon. 
     But, a run is a run and it's 8 miles I needed for the week, can't do a long Sunday run on 5 milers alone. So what if it's 18', 20mph gusts and a bit of sleet dropping's winter and it's ok to run easy, in fact needed for recovery. 
     The tough days, we get through them by putting our head down, focusing, keep moving forward, and finish strong. I love runs like the one we had tonight. It gives me a great feeling of accomplishment for something quite ordinary. And that's a good thing. Appreciate the ordinary, be humbled by the extraordinary.


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