The metamorphosis is happening!

     The metamorphosis is happening, and I'm not sure what to think! It's something I see in others; the training they put in, be it miles, pitches or free-throws, and how one day it all starts to come together. I saw it on my son's basketball team that I help coach. Saturday the entire team played well, and they crushed a team that had beaten them three times straight over the past two seasons.
     Now, I'm starting to see it in me.
     Last week I put in 51 miles on six days of training, the most since last year when a month before the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon I had a 20 mile Sunday that put me over 50. The difference this year is the training foundation is so much more consistent. Sneaking up, week by week, to hit 51 miles was very manageable. The pace was easy ( finally got snow this week so our pace was hampered by dodging snow piles and ice overs ), the temps not bad and Sunday we bumped up to 16 for the day. 
     Being patient, starting our base early, it's all leading up to a nice transition from running, to RUNNING! I feel like a runner! And it's fun! Even lost a couple of pounds over the last two weeks.
     Our winter goal was to be in shape to get into shape, and we've done it. The night runs, the weekend mornings, they have been our investments of miles into the fitness bank as we earn our way towards the big day of our race day withdraw...Grandma's Marathon in June.
     Spring is nearly here, and as most people just begin their training we are ready to start dropping the times on some of our workouts, do some tempo runs and have some fun pushing ourselves. 
     I hope you're ready to roll up some miles this month, what ever kind of shape you are in. Fit or not fit, the metamorphosis will happen, and every season you'll break out with a brand new you!


  1. Congratulations Mr. Runner! Well done! A high-mileage week for me in February was 7.2--walking. Then I twisted my knee indoors while putting a log on the fire. Drat. Week off, icing and elevating. With walking (I'm too old to start running), I look forward to my own metamorphosis.

  2. Nice job Dad! You and Mom have been very committed and the consistency proves that. Aunt Bev -- sorry to hear about your knee! Hope you're back at it soon! :)


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