Freshness dated!

     Tomorrow night I will need to put in three fresh batteries for my headlamp, it's the third time I've had to reload it. While not great for the environment, it's a funny benchmark of winter running. It's been a blessing to have a group to train with this winter, and a big plus for being able to get out so often was the mild weather. Next year is going to be tough, kind of like getting out of the beach water during the summer, warming up and having lunch, then heading back always seems colder the second time. 
     It's also the beauty of it, never being able to predict what will happen, even if you have already 'been there, done that'. Groundhog Day, the movie, is a favorite of mine. Bill Murry aka "Phil Conners" takes advantage of what appears to be repetition and turns it on its own re-run self. He becomes expert at a variety of disciplines, but ever lasting love still eludes him, no matter how many times he thinks he's got it figured out.
     Finding our way through the daily 24 hour cycle is a lifelong endeavor. Challenging, exciting, sad, tough, wonderful, etc... We all know the cliches; Make each day count, live it like it's your last day, give hugs, tell someone you love them. They are all true, but very few can do this each day. It's needed, but unlike Groundhog Day, every day is a new one, we don't get do-overs.
     But we each can muster the basics...After a tough day, we don't roll over, we get up again and move forward; optimistic but maybe a bit more wary. Following a great day, we are thankful for the good fortune, (no matter how hard we worked for it ), but don't expect we are owed two in a row.
     Our training group has a knack for figuring a way to relate everything to running, but I'm sure many runners also feel the same. Running is about as repetitive a thing as there is, it's Groundhog Day in motion. And like Phil Connors, we work hard to perfect the bits and pieces of the seemingly repetitive daily ritual of our workouts. We coddle some things ( easy days ), we are hard nosed on others ( we don't give up easy ) we do our best to accomplish our own goals ( PR's are personal records, there is always someone faster ) and in the end we look ahead and know tomorrow we'll be better because of it. That tomorrow we will have earned our brass ring.
     And if we don't, well, we put in fresh batteries and hit the road again, eager to take on a brand new day!


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