Save the hammies!

     Doesn't take much to pull a hamstring in the winter. Cold temps and icy paths make a lethal combo for tight muscles at the start of a training run. I start slow, warm up a bit and see what the trial conditions have in store for me.
     Especially at night, coming up on an icy patch happens quickly and suddenly I begin a slide forward. Stay loose, keep calm and ride it out, hoping not to end up smacking my hip into the only non-snowy spot on the asphalt path. Later, I find my foot slipping away from me as I push off, and that's when the fun really starts. The leg extends and my hamstring says "Hello! How are you! Wanna stretch too far?" 
     Even with all the poor footing, night running in the winter is great, especially when the temps are above 20', and the wind is light. The quiet and solitude are a welcome relief from work and the constant buzz of radio and tv. I always run unplugged from electronics, and totally plugged into my surroundings. 
     If I had to rename winter, I would call it Renewal. We transfer from one year to the next with a time period that forces us to come to terms with ourself in many ways. And, if we tempt the season by playing outdoors, well, then we really get to find out alot about ourself.     
     Sometimes my winter spirit takes an extra cup of coffee to kick in, or a good running friend to help me out the door. But most of the time I can hardly wait to get out the door and add to the new me for the new year. Challenges galore await those who embrace the winter, but the rewards, experiences and memories are plentiful and lifelong. 
     It's January...give me 20' and a calm sunny morning and I'm good to go for as long as I can go! Let's run!


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