Take 5!
We've been spoiled this winter due to mild temps and a shortage of snowfall. Trails have been quite clear and we can get by with 3 layers of clothing on most days. My wife Jeanette and I had a run a few nights ago that was very mild. No wind and clear skies gave us a great view of the stars. On our way back through Bunker Park we stopped about a mile and a half out and took a stargazing break. Laying on our backs, across the trail, and staring up to the skies it only took a few minutes to adjust our eyes and get a good look at all the stars. We know a few of the constellations, but mostly it was just fun to be out in the park, no one around and just looking up at natures twinkling stars and planets. After a bit, and just before we got cold, we got up and headed back. Funny how just a small change in routine can really add to a run. Saturday morning I ran with Dave, finally back outside after a two week battle ...