Wish we could run together more often!

It's the final holiday season of the year, and with the rush of activity it can be tough to fit a run in, much less sneaking out for a long run. On the plus side, during the holidays, we do have more chances to run with family and friends we don't normally have time to fit into a regular schedule, or those visiting from out of town, which in my case is our son Spencer who is home from college on winter break. And thanks to texting and Facebook, it's pretty easy to schedule a group outing. 
     Family and friends runs are always enjoyable. Running at a pace everyone can manage, with topics of conversation that are upbeat and not too much about training or racing, these runs remind us how energizing it is to make time for true social runs at a time of year when we are trying to both repair our bodies and recharge our spirits.
     This year I had the good fortune of being able to have a Thanksgiving vacation with my family. We flew out to California and I was able to have a couple of runs with my brother Al, and then race a half-marathon with my brother in law Gary and my sister in law Carolyn. The week after the race we ran easy in the hills, heading out to run on beautiful trails on cool crisp mornings. Being with family on the holidays is a blessing, and having family to run with and enjoy the outdoors is fantastic. We saw others doing the same, and many families walking together. Not everyone needs to run, of course, just taking time to be active outdoors together does wonders for our physical and mental fitness levels.
     I hope you have had time to enjoy running or walking with your non-regulars over the holidays. If not, send a text or make a call today and set up a run and a then a stop for coffee after. You'll be glad you did!


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