Day 1

It really is a beautiful time to run here in Minnesota. Yes, winter running can sometimes be a challenge, we'll I'll be honest, it is nearly always a challenge during winter, but I always keep in mind it is the off-season. Time to recover, maintain and rebuild over the short days of December through February and be ready to go come March. I like this time of year, and with the help of my fellow training partners if I can get outside four or five days a week for training I'll be in good shape this coming spring. Throw in a few days of Nordic skate skiing and I'm a happy camper. So, goals for the winter; stay healthy, run with my wife and our training friends, and get out and ski. It's a long time until Grandma's Marathon in June and another go at a BQ time for '13 ( have you checked the new standards? ). Until then, Let's Train!


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