Light up the night

Florence and the Machine have a song out called Dark Days are Over. You most likely have heard it, and if you've seen the group perform, it's an '80's throwback performance, for me at least. Marathons should rock this tune from mile 23 to 24. A mile of speakers pushing the vibe out over and over, letting you know that you are nearly at the finish line...Light at the end of the tunnel. I won't be able to celebrate this song for a few more months, as winter solstice has yet to arrive and in the northern state of Minnesota it will be late February before we have extended daylight hours for evening running. But I do enjoy winter evening runs. Tonight, in fact, was such a run. Clear trails with just a splash of leftover slush in a couple of places from last weeks snow. My training partner for the night, Bryan, and I did a nice 6 miler in 38' temp. The dark days of winter running have just begun, but with a decent headlamp, an extra layer of tech apparel and a good friend, you will be surprised at how easy it is to travel the path before you.


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