Best flu vaccine.

     I function so much better when I'm, work, relationships all seem to ebb and flow in a much more manageable manner. Not to say everything is perfect, but running enables me to handle challenges better. I just feel more in touch and on top of things.
    I know it's a blessing to be able to run and train and I try not to take it for granted. I've had a variety of injuries over the years, as have my running friends, and my current stretch of about two years of fairly consistent running is bearing some fresh fruit. Well, aged fruit I should say. But it is nice to have a couple of years of training in the bank as the new year approaches, and a bit of weight loss to boot.
     Now that winter is here it is tougher to get out the door and run. Darkness, cold temps and having to be more careful on the running paths. But keeping up the training has another benefit, and for me it's always been staying 'flu free'. Nothing scientific, but something about consistent winter training in the cold keeps the flu at bay for me. It's so nice to be out in the elements, especially after spending all day in the dry air of a heated office building. My body craves the night air for a revival of fresh oxygen through the bloodstream, and with it some magical transformation that once again cleans and refreshes the entire mental and physical, oh and what the heck, spiritual, body.
     My immunization from the downturns in life, including the flu...4 to 5 doses of running each week!



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