Fresh air

     Sunday last, it was from the south. The wind, that is. Clear skies, and if it were early summer I'd know humidity was on the way. But it's December, deep into the month and while our southern breeze was friendly, it was still a cool 28'. End of this week, a different story. Brisk is such a great word, and so easily understood. A run in brisk weather (tonight was 25' and a northern wind at about 15mph) means extra layers, watery eyes, lips slow to form words that fellow runners will understand and a bit of Warm Skin rubbed onto cheeks, over the nose and around the neck and chin. The cold and clear air keeps you awake and is a motivator for a bit faster pace out of the gate. Looking upwards you discover the wind has cleared the sky of debris and helps heighten the clarity of the stars, the big dipper was in full view just above the eastern horizon on this moonless early evening.
     Talk is about last year at this time, when we had 17" of snow on the ground. Nordic skiers had an extra month of season, and the local sno-conomy was in high gear. Now we run through Bunker Park on clear trails under clear skies, clearing our minds of the days struggles and pondering our goals and desires, all at a refreshing pace.
     Brisk, I really like that word!


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