My the time has flown by!

Dang, it's nearly the end of July and I have not posted in almost two months! Got busy training for Grandma's Marathon, ran ( well, ran most of it...did fade and walked a few times - ugh! ) took an easy week of training and am back at it again. Ran 3:44 in Duluth, just over 4 minutes off pace but I'm pleading humidity. It was a fantastic training season running with my wife Jeanette and our friends Bryan, Stan, Dave and Mike. Nobody hit their time at the event, but the journey there was awesome and we are all pumped to run a fall marathon. Cooooooler days!
     Also spent a couple of nights a week the past two months watching my youngest play Junior Legion baseball, it's been very enjoyable seeing him have a good season with nice kids on the team, good coaches and solid parents. The team has done well and Harrison had his best pitching outing as a player this summer, going 7 innings in a three hit shut-out. Really fun to see him do well and watch his teammates step up on defense and offense, as they were just as excited seeing Harrison in the zone.
     Going off track a bit and adding pages from the book I am working on. Running and writing seem to be a good combo for me, ( maybe I'll follow in Nicholas Sparks' footsteps ) so once in a while I'll add a post from the book...unless the reviews are too hard to take!
     Still hot and humid here in Andover...early runs, hot evenings...not quite tropical but certainly not your average Minnesota summer. Good news is I think I'll lose an extra pound from all the sweating!
     Thanks for reading, have a great week and I look forward to your comments!


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