Spring Marathoner Runners - Top Ten Training and Race Day Do's and Don'ts

Spring Marathoner Runners - Top Ten Training and Race Day Do's and Don'ts

It's that time of year again! Soon, the crowds will be massed and the voices will be cheering! No, I'm not talking about the next Presidential primary, this is something much more intense! It's spring marathon season!

As we emerge from our winter slumber of lumbering miles and bouts with cold weather, head colds and, well, just way too much cold stuff, spring is here and we are dreaming of that one line that reels us back every time we step over it: The finish line!

Parks are now being populated with runners, walkers, hikers and bikers that have dug out shoes and sprockets. Asphalt trails are filled and flowing like the avian flyways of Nebraska's wetlands. People are out and runners are gobbling up the miles, gearing their training for what may be their very first marathon, or one in a string of 26.2 jaunts that may date back years, if not decades.

As the excitement builds, it's easy to get caught up in the chase for the race! Newbies and veterans will be reminded time and again of the many pitfalls that we all must maneuver as we train for and compete on race day, in hopes that some of that advice will stick in our heads and rescue us from our race day self. Marathon day, we can be our own worst enemy!

In my upcoming book, "The Marathon - Stick to the Plan!", I include a variety of tips for marathon training and racing, in much more detail than I will include in this article. As you prepare for your adventure, I hope these ten tips will be of help to you. Good luck, and feel free to contact me with any questions on training and racing. If I can't answer your question, I'll do my best to find someone that can!

Marathon Tip #1
When something unexpected happens; Don't Freak Out!
Something unexpected will happen on race day. You may nearly run over a deer on your way to the start, or you may have forgotten to charge your watch battery. No matter what happens, the bottom line is you are prepared and ready to run when the gun goes off. You can control your running, everything else is out of your hands and you'll do best by letting it go. Smile, you've got a marathon to run!

Marathon Tip #2
If you can't talk on a long run; Slow down!
Training runs should be 70% enjoyable. If you want to bust a gut the last 30% of your workout, great. But for most, a long run is a hard day in and of itself. Pushing hard the last part of a long run makes it a double workout, and most of us end up getting injured or not fully recovered for our next hard day. Then we get injured. Keep within yourself on long runs and you will enjoy the benefits for the rest of the week. 

Marathon Tip #3
It's a marathon; Be patient!
You'll hear voices at the start of your race. An angel will say, "Slow down the first few miles until you think it's too slow, then slow down a little more." A devil will tell you, "Don't you feel great? This is your day, don't hold back, you got this!" Of course, those two are nowhere to be found at the finish line! You need to manage your pace as you did during training, but always err on the side of being conservative.

Marathon Tip #4
You don't know what you don't know!
You'll be able to explain this to yourself after your first marathon. 

Marathon Tip #5
Miles in the bank!
You are the biggest and most important investor in your training. Only you can put "Miles in the bank." by training when you need to, and staying true to your schedule. Without that investment, race day will cost you more time than you want to spend. Invest early and often!

Marathon Tip #6
It's not if you're going to run, but when you're going to run!
You signed up, now you train. If you don't crave the run, you may as well tear up your bib number. It's a gift to be able to run, and even though you don't need to run every day, look at as time you get to run, not time that you have to run. You always feel better after a run!

Marathon Tip #7
Buddy up!
Having friends to run with does two things. First, it gets us out to run more often, and two, sharing our running experiences is never better than when it's with someone that knows all about our own struggles. The more often you can train with someone, the more often you will run, the better your workouts will be and of course your social skills will be vastly improved by saying things like fartlek, tempo and puking my guts out.

Marathon Tip #8
Great gear leads to great running!
Stay comfortable! Good socks, clothing that fits well, versatile hydration systems, sunglasses, the list of running gear goes on and on. Test your gear throughout the training season and find out what works best for you. Don't become a pack mule, but make sure to explore all the creature comforts available.  

Marathon Tip #9
If the shoe fits, wear it!
All runners get jacked up over new shoes, and why wouldn't we? New shoes are so cool, look great and feel awesome! But, as we dial in over time what works best for us, we do need to admit that even though the shoe that works best for me isn't my first choice, we will promise not to change footwear just because we're bored with the same model. Stay with what works, it's one less way to get injured! 

Marathon Tip #10
Race Day is Not the Day to Try Anything New!
Yep, that pretty much sums it up...Stick to the Plan!



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