Just when things were going so well...

At my age, running is measured in decades, so I've got that going for me.

Setbacks that last a few weeks, or a couple of months, don't cripple a competitive season for me as it would a younger runner. Seasons are measured in years, not weeks or months. The cumulative effect of training from year to year is my friend, and I've embraced the fact that life throws curves, sliders and knuckle balls just when you're feeling the groove and crushing down-the-pipe fastballs.

It's not that things get in the way of running, there's always time for a few miles each day. My heart is comforted knowing that the ups and downs of training are as natural as the hills we encounter on our favorite trail run.

Last year was a great example. It started with a nice base that culminated with a 15k trail race in early spring. Late spring brought on tempo, speedwork and endurance runs, geared toward racing some shorter distances. My brother, Al, finally got me into a couple of track races, something I hadn't done in over 40 years, and I loved it. He and I ran a 5k on the track and it's something I'll remember for a long time. I finished the summer season with a hard 5k road race and figured I'd sneak in a couple more road races to end the calendar year.

Standing at the plate, ready to swing; sinker, slider, curve...I've struck out and find myself walking back to the dugout.Or in my case, the freezer for an ice pack.

The year of more intense training caught up with me in early fall, before I could race again, and I realized it was time to ease up for the year. After a couple of months trying to run through the nagging hamstring and leg stress, I finally took three weeks completely off from running. It was tough to do, but my long term goals favored a complete recovery, even if it took months. There's nothing worse than coming back from an injury too soon and having to start recovery all over again. It was worth the time, although a struggle, and I finally was able to leave the ice pack and extra stretching behind. The new year was upon us, a fresh start!

With the mild winter we've been having, the opportunity to get in more training runs has been ample. We've been spoiled, and over the past few weeks that feeling of turning fastballs into line-drives returned. The Yin was great, but of course the Yang streaked into the gap.

So now it's cold season and I'm back in the dugout for a week. Not sleeping much, congested, coughing, you know the drill. Sure, it's a first world problem that's pales in comparison to the daily struggles of many, and I'm fine with a few days off. Like I said, I'm looking long term. Not that I have lots of decades left, but some time off is a small price to pay for something that enhances my overall life with so many positive aspects.

I'll be back at the plate in no time, just in time for spring training!


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