Chasing Autumn

     It's late October, and here in Minnesota autumn continues to impress. The beauty of this years fall colors has been captured on everyones cell phone. Trees bursting with hues of red, gold and orange, showing off natures foliage fireworks display. We talk about the weather in conversation, mostly in awe, also in humbled terms after last winters record setting beat down.
     As I leave work around the five o'clock hour, I find myself smiling on the walk to my mini van. Last night it was the gentle warm breeze against my face, coupled with the clear sky overhead. I want to walk home and soak in this incredible gift of 68' degrees and save it in my memory bank for a mental withdraw come February. I think about getting up early the next morning for a run with J'net and Dave, and that we'll be in shorts and a light long sleeve shirt, maybe thin gloves, maybe not. I become anxious with visions of us running through Bunker Hills Park, headlamps on, chatting excitedly about no subject in particular as we did yesterday morning, all because of autumns extended graciousness. We are giddy.
     We are chasing autumn!
     Knowing the power of winter cannot be stopped, even a tempered season this year will give us pause each time the snow and cold blows through. Will it be a foot of snow? Will we endure another Polar vortex, or three? We are in post-traumatic-winter mode, each hint of cold weather jarring our memories of last year as if the winter had just ended. It's way too soon for cold, we pray. Please, just a dusting at Christmas will be a soon enough start to snow season! We push thoughts of winter as far back into our head as we can, and acknowledge that if our current weather was a stock, we'd price it like Berkshire Hathaway!
     I know Minnesota weather stock will not always be like BH. As beautiful as a spring run around Lake Harriet can be, or a trail run in Jay Cooke State Park, and even as much as I love a winter run after a few inches of snow, our weather will hit bottom for a while and it's value will be more like BS.
     That's why I'm waking up at five in the morning to run.  As often as possible. I can't get enough and I'll overload in hopes of somehow storing up for winter. I figure the shudder I feel thinking of last winter can be replaced with a warm fuzzy come January as I think of this October. There is even talk of a warm November to follow this incredible month. That would put us on overdrive! And I'm all for it!
     I'm chasing autumn!



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