Transition time is tricky

     Planning, doing, experimenting, tweaking. We make an outline and do our best to keep on track, but we need to remember things change along the way. Our group is now just 8 weeks out from the Grandma's Marathon race, and as we whittle down our training days it has become apparent that each week we'll need to look behind and ahead to make sure we maximize our workouts.
     We are in a transition phase, moving form mileage focus to performance focus. Easy days need to be easy, days off kept in the schedule, and hard days are becoming increasingly more fun ( when you are in shape, it's nice to be able to let loose during a workout ). The next six weeks we will be making sure we are improving, but watching signs that we are not overtraining. 
     Two points to keep in mind as we dial in the last two months. 1- Just because we can doesn't mean we should! ( sure, we can run faster some days, but if we over train ugly things happen ). 2 - Let's make sure to make race day our best day! ( no need to have our best performance in a workout, keeping mentally and physically fresh will bring great results on race day ).
     Yesterday I set up a display at a local trail race. I did my planning, donated some items for race prizes and set up a nice display. I was ready for action. Funny, hardly anyone stopped by to talk about or ask questions about our TEIL running socks and shirts. I was so ready to yak all morning that I never considered such a lack of interest.
     I did get some time to talk with runners, and did hand out some of our coupons for future sales. I realized the runners were tired from their long runs and with a cool morning and the threat of rain they pretty much packed it in and went home. There were some helpful benefits to the day in addition to the people that did stop by. I met a business owner that can help with TEIL running hats, something I've been trying to source for a while. The other is that Kevin, one of our TEIL runners, was running the 50k. It was nice to watch him come by each lap ( it was a four lap race ) and I posted some video and a photo of him on our TEIL page on Facebook, which has received some nice comments. 
     We prepare for race day best we can, but we have to be prepared for anything and be able to roll with those adjustments. It won't go as planned, we know that, but we can plan to go with it and succeed anyway!
     Go run!


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