
     18 weeks out until Grandma's Marathon. Those famous words, "In Training" officially begins tomorrow, although with the mild winter we have had, our training group, and most likely many other Minnesota runners, are well ahead of their start-of-the-year base training goals. Old man winter has been very kind this season, and we are all in better shape because of it.
     Don't think it's been a cake walk, it is still cold outside, today in fact our run began with the temperature reading 7'. Thank goodness it was sunny and there was very little wind. Once we got a couple of miles into the run it was actually rather nice and since we've had only a trace of snowfall the paths are very clear, making for excellent footing. No major falls at all this winter in our group.
     Last year our group decided it was time to train outdoors more often during winter. Ugh! 86+ inches of snowfall, from October through April! We made it to the end of January ok, but then struggled for a few weeks until we all gathered back together in March to pick up training for the Twin Cities Marathon the following October. Deciding to do Grandma's this June was a bit of a gamble, as we could have easily been hammered this year with another snowy winter and a late start to getting in decent shape for Duluth's major running event. 
     Sometimes, it's nice to be lucky. We paid our dues last winter and for whatever reason the weather has adjusted to allow us a very favorable winter season of outdoor training. And we do appreciate it! It could easily be 0', windy, and the trails laden with packed snow and ice, making for slow running and off balance slips that lead to unfavorable stretching of the hamstrings! We thank the running Gods on each and every run!
    While I feel bad for those whose jobs are adversely affected by the lack of snow, it's nice to get a winter off. I have not used the snow thrower this year, having started it just once in October to make sure it was ready to go. I hope this winter has opened up opportunities for people to be outside more often, for outdoor workers to get a break, and for budgets to save a bit on heating, snow repairs, etc. 
     It all comes down to knowing there is a balance to everything, and sometimes we need to remember things even out. Snowy winters vs sunny winters...brutal running conditions vs manageable work for snow plows vs extra work for other repairs...icy car crashes vs less injuries. We'll get plenty of snow next winter, and we'll lament for this one many times over, but in the long run, and we are in it for the long run, balance wins out. Don't get discouraged if this hasn't been your perfect winter, and if it has been, don't get used to it...Old Man Winter has a standing invitation from Mother Nature and may show up early next time!  


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