An Unexpected Running Experience: The 2017 Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon

Stan Brouillard, Brian Siddons nearing the 5 mile point at Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon. CK Photograpy, Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon An Unexpected Running Experience: The 2017 Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon By Brian James Siddons Having just finished Matt Fitzgerald’s book, “How Bad Do You Want It? The Psychology Of Mind Over Muscle,” I was intrigued by the mental toughness tools used by the world-class athletes Fitzgerald cited, specifically race day focus, as aids to improve my own running performances. Looking back at my BQ (Boston Qualifier) in the fall of 2012, for a spot at the Boston Marathon in 2014, and then missing the revised cut by six seconds, I wondered if my focus had been better, wouldn’t I have run at least seven seconds faster? While the stories Fitzgerald recounted were truly inspirational, I realized my quest for sharper mental performances might best be served through the experiences of runners fighting battles for improvements much less daunti...